Soon you'll be able to find out where the federal government flies drones and what it does with the data according to a report fromThe Washington Post.The White House is getting ready to send out an order to make agencies open up data on where they fly drones and what happens to all of the data they collect.
Right now, only the government is actually allowed to fly drones legally. Commercial drone use is banned by the FAA, although it gave out several permits to movie and television production companies to let them use drones, and gave unique permission to a company in Texas to let it use drones in a search and rescue mission.
The new executive order would specifically tell federal agencies to open up data on its drone fleets that it has kept secret for years. Although the new rules would cover all federal agencies, the Department of Defense, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security have the largest fleets and would be most affected by the disclosure rules. The draft of the rules has gone out to be reviewed by the agencies. Once the process is complete, President Obama will sign the order and it will go into effect. Drone training missions by the Pentagon and border surveillance would all be revealed thanks to the new program. On the other hand, the rule would only apply to U.S. airspace, so any flights done for military and intelligence work overseas would not be affected. Continue>>>