State employee recognized for First Amendment defense

From Baylor Lariat:

Difficulties in getting information from government sources shouldn’t scare reporters off from following their stories, Hadassah Schloss, Cost Rules Administrator for the Open Records Division of the Office of the Attorney General of Texas, told students at Baylor’s journalism awards banquet Tuesday.


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Oxford Township Committee fixes flawed public records ordinance

From Lehigh Valley Live:

The Oxford Township Committee amended its controversial public records ordinance last night to fall in line with the law — but it still didn't sit well with some of the public.

The township's limited request time is now 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


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Obama’s Secretive Keystone XL Decision

From Huffington Post:

The oppressive monster known as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is not just killing jobs these days — it is intentionally avoiding transparency that may shed light on the political motivations behind the agency's actions.


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FOIA requester sues Caseyville seeking fees, costs and civil penalties

From Madison Record:

Belleville resident Bradley Van Hoose is suing the Village of Caseyville for attorney fees and costs associated with his fight to access copies of board meeting minutes, hotel meeting minutes, contracts, invoices and records related to the village's hotel fund.


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FOIA ombudsman’s letter irks senators, advocates

From Politico:

A letter from the federal government's Freedom of Information Act ombudsman has irritated key senators and openess advocates by failing to recommend any changes Congress could make to improve the law guaranteeing public access to federal records.


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EPIC files FOIA request seeking full FCC report on Google

From ZDNet:

Not happy with the redacted version of the FCC’s report on its Google Street View investigation, the Electronic Privacy Information Center Thursday filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to see the full 25-page document.


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Lunenburg clerk: No violation of Open Meeting Law


Lunenburg Town Clerk Kathryn Herrick said Wednesday afternoon that all meetings for this week were posted by last Thursday night, and does not feel a violation of the state's Open Meeting Law was committed.

"I put all of the meetings up myself. I remember because I had someone stand there with me to hold up the glass," Herrick said Wednesday afternoon.


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Trustee alleges mayor violated Open Meetings Act


Lake Zurich Mayor Suzanne Branding has come under fire from Trustee Rich Sustich, who alleges she violated the Open Meetings Act. The complaint is the most recent event in a string of Lake Zurich officials being questioned for violating the law since 2009.


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Gov. Brown joked about legality of closed-door meeting, aide says

From LA Times:

Gov. Jerry Brown acknowledged there would be questions about whether his closed-door session with Los Angeles County supervisors last fall was in violation of the state’s open meetings law.

According to a transcript obtained by The Times, the governor said at one point, “Let's get our Brown Act cover story."


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