New Mexico governor questioned for violating open government laws


Two state lawmakers are asking the New Mexico Attorney General to investigate state Public Education Department emails sent to the private email accounts of Governor Susana Martinez and her top political advisor Jay McCleskey.

Sen. Linda Lopez, chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, and Rep. Rick Miera, chairman of the House Education Committee, are requesting the investigation. Both are Democrats. Martinez and McCleskey are Republicans.


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Small Business Advocacy Group Takes Pentagon to Court

From Project on Government Oversight:

In an ongoing effort to document the extent to which large businesses are winning federal small business contracts, the American Small Business League (ASBL) has filed another lawsuit to force the government to turn over contracting data.


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OMB not enamored of House-passed data transparency measure

From Government Executive

The DATA Act, the government spending transparency bill that passed the House in April, has ruffled some feathers at the Office of Management and Budget, signs of which were on display Tuesday at a panel discussion of lessons learned from implementation of the 2009 Recovery Act.


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Does leaking secrets damage national security?

From NPR

Last week's assignment of two federal prosecutors to investigate disclosures of national security information might have been the first shot in a new war on leaks. The director of national intelligence is expected soon to announce new measures to fight unauthorized disclosures, and some members of Congress say it could be time for new anti-leaking laws.


But advocates of open government fear an overreaction.


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2012 FOI Summit Content and Videos from the Program

We had great panelists who participated in stimulating and informative panels at the 2012 FOI Summit on open government and transparency, networking, digital photography, campaign finance, and elected officials' schedules.

Below, you'll find embedded videos and links to same as well as links to other content presented there.

Please see the FOI Summit round up page for additional highlights and acknowledgments.


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NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for June 1, 2012

A few state FOIA and local open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week:

Georgia's new open budget law has low compliance

ATLANTA — About half the cities, counties and school districts have yet to comply with a state law designed to make it easier for taxpayers to see how their money is being spent.


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The state of open records laws: Access denied

From iWatch News:

Every state theoretically gives citizens the right to access government information. But an analysis of public records policies by the State Integrity Investigation reveals that, in state after state, the laws are riddled with exemptions and loopholes that often impede the public’s right to know rather than improve upon it.


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NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for May 25, 2012

A few national and state FOIA and open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week:

ACLU sues DOJ for digital surveillance data


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