Dear Michigan officeholder: A letter from campaign finance expert during Sunshine Week


“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” — Luke 12: 48

Dear State Officeholder:

Please set aside the archaic sexism of the verse I’ve quoted to introduce this letter. Our world has evolved, I know, but I thought this bit of scripture was superbly eloquent in capturing much of the reason we’re observing Sunshine Week.


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Issa, Cummings introduce bipartisan FOIA reform

From The Washington Examiner:

In a rare-for-Congress show of bi-partisanship, the top Republican and Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee today introduced new draft legislation designed the strengthen the federal Freedom of Information Act.

The FOIA, signed into law in 1966 by President Lyndon Johnson, is the main avenue for citizens who wish to obtain information about federal government activities.


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Wisconsin State agency lags on records compliance


What did Mike Huebsch, secretary of the state Department of Administration, know about the circumstances under which a key DOA official abruptly resigned?

That’s what Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Jason Stein was wondering when he put in a request, under the state’s open records law, for emails and text messages sent or received by Huebsch regarding deputy secretary Cindy Archer, around the time of her departure.



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New manual released as National Sunshine Week begins

From Gallipolis Daily Tribune:

COLUMBUS — Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has released his office’s 2013 edition of “Ohio Sunshine Laws: An Open Government Resource Manual,” also known as the “Yellow Book.” The release of the updated manual coincides with the start of National Sunshine Week, taking place from March 10-16.


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