Bob Heisse: Sunshine Week celebrates the public’s right to know

From The State Journal-Register:

The idea for Sunshine Week started — appropriately enough — in Florida in 2002 when that state’s newspapers shed light on proposals by some legislators to create many new exemptions to the public records laws.

Following three Sunshine Sundays in which newspapers publicized these efforts, Florida legislators voted down about 300 proposals that would have restricted the right to know.



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Shadows lengthen on access to public records

Editorial from Dennis Hetzel, executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association:

Every year, Sunshine Week underscores the importance of open government across the nation. It is a perfect moment to share concerns in Ohio about ever-growing exceptions to an open records law that should ensure you have access to information about what your government officials do and how well they do it.


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Center for Media and Democracy wins open government award

From The Center for Media and Democracy’s PR Watch:

The Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council has awarded the “Citizen Openness Award” to the Center for Media and Democracy for its efforts to bring sunshine to government operations in 2012.



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Sunshine Week highlights need for openness

Opinion from Herald Zeitung:

Every year, the American public’s right to know is marked with Sunshine Week. This year’s observance begins Sunday and runs through March 16.

Newspapers, which campaign incessantly for open government and freedom of information, will take the opportunity next week to remind readers and public officials of the laws that demand transparency in government.


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Let the sun shine on public oversight

Opinion from Superior Telegram:

Sunshine Week is March 10-16, 2013. Please join me in celebrating Wisconsin’s vibrant “sunshine laws,” the Public Records Law and the Open Meetings Law. These laws — and their diligent observance by records custodians and meetings organizers — provide broad access to information about how our state and local governments operate.



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MNCOGI presents Finnegan FOI Award to Michele Timmons

Note: Please find the complete press release here (PDF/111KB). Also see another recent post, MNCOGI to host Freedom of Information Event March 14, and a list of former winners of the Finnegan award at

From Minnesota Coalition on Government Information:


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Shell games and FOIA, IL

From Illinois Times:

Thank goodness for the government.

That was the way that Silly Pretend Journalists, aka the Society of Professional Journalists, saw things eight years ago when they bestowed attorney general Lisa Madigan with the coveted Sunshine Award, akin to an Oscar from a group of navel gazers that purports to be a watchdog for the public interest.


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Improving Transparency in Michigan

From Sunshine Week:

Welcome to Sunshine Week, and no, I am not talking about the fickle weather in the state. I am talking about the public’s right and responsibility to keep an eye on what our government at the local, state and federal level are up to from our legislators to our bureaucrats, school boards, state universities, teachers, mayors, managers, department heads, council members, cops and others.


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In Oshkosh, Wisc., transparency is key

From Government Technology:

In Oshkosh, Wisc., transparency policies are a priority. In the city, these policies make agencies run more efficiently, and provide the public with more services and information.

And on March 10, the city will showcase its commitment to transparency during Sunshine Week – an event that encourages governments from across the nation to discuss how transparency can provide value to the public.


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