Accessing access to public records in NC

From WFAE:

Of the 115 requests Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department received since the start of last year, nearly 40 percent were from lawyers and about a third of them got a full response in a month or less. By contrast, there other records requests going on five and six months without a resolution – they tend to be a lot more broad and complicated.



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Wyoming press and government battle over open government exemptions

From WyoFile:

An analysis of public records policies within the State Integrity Investigation done by the Center for Public Integrity “reveals that, in state after state, the laws are riddled with exemptions and loopholes that often impede the public’s right to know rather than improve upon it.”

Wyoming has its share of exemptions, and open-records advocates say many of those are legitimate, but abused.


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The state of open records laws: Access denied

From iWatch News:

Every state theoretically gives citizens the right to access government information. But an analysis of public records policies by the State Integrity Investigation reveals that, in state after state, the laws are riddled with exemptions and loopholes that often impede the public’s right to know rather than improve upon it.


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