Opinion: Thinking about moral definitions of openness

Perspective from TechPresident: It is hard for Westerners to realize just how much we take for granted about intellectual property, and in particular, how much the property owner’s perspective–be it a corporation, government or creative artist–is embedded in our view of the world as the natural order of things.


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Your right to know vs. colleges: Column

Opinion from USAToday:

When asked to name an event occurring in March, many would identify St. Patrick’s Day. Sports fans might default to March Madness. A small cadre of die-hards with a fanatical dedication to open government will answer Sunshine Week, which starts Sunday. All three answers are correct, even though it might not be immediately clear how they’re connected.


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Most open country 2013: government transparency ranked by Open Budget Survey

From The Huffington Post:

Fabled Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis once said, "sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." If that is in fact the case, then the world as a whole is a pretty grimy place, according to the latest edition of the Open Budget Survey.


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Appeals court judges seem skeptical of CIA secrecy on drone program

From The Washington Post:

WASHINGTON — Federal appeals court judges Thursday questioned the CIA’s efforts to block information on the use of unmanned drones to kill suspected terrorists.


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Six ventures bring data to the public as winners of Knight News Challenge

From Knight Foundation:

SAN FRANCISCO — (Sept. 20, 2012) -— Six media innovation ventures that make it easier to access and use information on local communities, air quality, elections, demographics and more received a total of $2.22 million today as winners of the Knight News Challenge: Data.


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New South Dakota Open Government Task Force created

From The Daily Republic:

PIERRE — Gov. Dennis Daugaard and Attorney General Marty Jackley announced the formation of an Open Government Task Force that will study open-record and open-meeting laws in South Dakota to ensure maximum public access to state government business.


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Why Employees Are The Missing Link for Successful Open Government

From Gartner:

Open government initiatives are either aimed at providing greater transparency, usually as a reaction to an accusation or perception of excessive secrecy, or at engaging citizens in specific problem solution as well as service delivery. It is probably fair to say that the US federal initiatives are closer to the former, while UK initiatives are closer to the latter.


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Fostering civic innovation in California

From GovFresh.com:

Alissa Black joined the New America Foundation in April to lead the newly-formed California Civic Innovation Project, focused on “identifying best practices to improving service delivery, opening new channels for public voices, and bridging the state’s digital divides.”


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State governments begin focusing on website analytics

From GovLoop.com:

State governments are beginning to focus on website analytics, something we here at GovLoop are very familiar with. They are taking advantage of Google Analytics, a free tool which assesses hits and traffic, to determine how people are utilizing their websites. States like California are even publishing these statistics right on their homepages for people to view.


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Oakland City Council Votes for Open Data Policy

From Code For America:

On Monday April 30, 2012, Oakland City Council reviewed an open data policy initiative put forth by city councilmember of the 4th District and Oakland native, Libby Schaff.

The open data policy agenda report composed by policy analyst Bruce Stoffmacher, proposes to make raw data sets accessible to the public on a new city data portal.


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