A downside to Illinois’ open meetings training

From WBEZ91.5:

Local officials across Illinois are getting schooled this year in transparency. By the end of this year, they're required to learn about the state's Open Meetings law, using a training on the internet. But there's a worry this noble goal could end up scaring away community volunteers.


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Dayton signs open-government bill inspired by Burnsville schools payout

From Chicago Tribune:

Local governments can no longer pay top officials under fire to resign without publicly saying why, thanks to a bill unanimously supported by state lawmakers and signed by the governor.

"I think it was ripe," said Rep. Pam Myhra, the bill's author. "I just think it was ready; taxpayers and parents really wanted to see this. I think stakeholders knew it was time."


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TSA Reveals Passenger Complaints … Four Years Later

From ProPublica:

From intrusive pat-downs to body scans to perceived profiling, the Transportation Security Administration always seems to be the target of complaints.

Here's another one: It took the TSA almost four years to tell me what people complained about — in 2008.


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Fewer State Reports, But More Open Data

From Fox and Hounds Daily:

Gov. Jerry Brown missed an opportunity when he announced that he was eliminating hundreds of state reports – and seeking to eliminate hundreds more.

Brown was trying to convey that the state was buckling down and eliminating waste. But frugality was the only message. He should have paired that move with a call for more engagement – and openness.


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Council meeting was an exercise in open government

From Hickory Daily Record:

The Hickory City Council meeting on Tuesday was an exercise in open government. A Hickory resident took advantage of a statement on the agenda to force discussion on an issue, and the state’s open records law was illuminated for all to hear.


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South Washington County school board didn’t follow rules when it fired superintendent

From Chicago Tribune:

The South Washington County school board broke the state Open Meeting Law during the process of firing Superintendent Mark Porter, a state agency has ruled.

An advisory opinion by the Minnesota Department of Administration says that the board acted illegally in meetings in December and January.


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NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for May 4, 2012

A few state FOIA and local open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week:

NARA Survey Shows Continued Govt-wide Records Mis-Management


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AG rulings favor open meetings

From Rapid City Journal:

Chadron’s efforts to hire a city manager have extended well in to 2012 after former city manager Sandra Powell resigned in October 2011. At the most recent city council meeting, the local news media was accused of interfering in the process. It’s not the first time the issue has been brought forth.


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State: District 833 School Board violated Minnesota’s Open Meeting Law

From Woodbury Bulletin:

The South Washington County School Board violated state law in its handling of Superintendent Mark Porter’s final performance evaluation, according to a state opinion.


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