Wisconsin: AG Brad Schimel tackles open government in wake of controversy

Attorney General Brad Schimel is starting the substantial task of updating the state’s open records law at a time when voices of outrage are still reverberating in the Capitol’s halls over a recent unsuccessful attempt by leading lawmakers to significantly diminish public scrutiny.


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Public invited to attend RI AG’s open government summit July 31

The state attorney general will be holding a summit next week for those who are interested in learning about transparency and accountability in government.

The summit, scheduled for July 31 from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Roger Williams University School of Law, will be free and open to the public. Continue>>>



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What the Private Sector Can Teach Us About Open Government

The buzzword of the moment among local leaders is “open government,” and chief information officers are attempting to make the hype a reality. In the Center for Digital Government’s 2014 Digital Cities and Counties surveys, one of the top priorities for CIOs at the local level was “open government/transparency/open data.”


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