Electronic Frontier Foundation requests facial-recognition records

From Courthouse News Service:  SAN FRANCISCO (CN) – The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a technology watchdog, wants the Justice Department to hand over facial-recognition records before switching on the FBI's "bigger, faster and better" biometrics system.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) sued the Department of Justice in a federal FOIA complaint. It claims the FBI has been "dragging its feet" for a year on three FOIA requests.


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Sen. Wyden denounces bulk phone record collection at ASNE convention

From The Washington Post:  WASHINGTON — A senator who has been instrumental in the fight for open government warned Wednesday that the government’s practice of “vacuuming up the phone records of millions of law-abiding Americans” puts citizens’ privacy at risk.


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5 tips for an airtight approach to ACA sunshine rule

From Law360:  Law360, New York (June 10, 2013, 10:14 PM ET) — Less than two months remain before drug and device makers must report virtually every item of value — from speaker’s fees to pastrami sandwiches on rye — that they provide to doctors and teaching hospitals, and experts say compliance with the Affordable Care Act mandate will require extraordinary communication among the parties and plenty of technological muscle to gather data.


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Sunlight Foundation announces open government grant program

From Civic Source:  Watchdog group the Sunlight Foundation will be offering civic minded startups and developers a chance at “OpenGov Grants.” The grant program will offer awards to successful applicants on a rolling basis throughout the year. The initiative was announced at the Personal Democracy Forum in New York City, on Friday.


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Freedom of press critical, says internet founder

From Business Day:  AS THE internet explodes in new markets and across different cultures, the role of a free press and the ability of journalists to sift through masses of new information to find the truth is a very important priority, the founder of the web Sir Tim Berners-Lee, says.


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FOI InSight: The latest NFOIC opengov newsletter

From Volume 1, Issue 10 of NFOIC's FOI InSight newsletter: 2013 FOI Summit Wrap-up … This just in: NFOIC in NOLA, from Mike Sherry … The Deliberative Process 150 Years Post-Lincoln … Not a Picayune Problem … Keynote Presentation … #OpenGov Hall of Fame Induction … Digital Dodges and the Email Sleight of Hand … Technology and Access: Promise, Possibility and Perils … Nominate a New Mexico open government hero! …


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