New York: City to focus on making open data more accessible

The administration is planning an emphasis on making open data more accessible to the broader public in its annual update to the city's open data plan.

The annual update on July 15 is a key component of the city's open data law passed in 2012, and this year marks the first update under chief analytics officer Amen Ra Mashariki, who assumed his position last fall.  Continue>>>



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Open Data Bills Move Forward in California

While California may be home to some of the most aggressively forward-thinking tech companies in the world, that enthusiasm for innovation hasn’t carried over to the public sector. State and local governments have been frustratingly slow to make public data available online. There hasn’t been anything close to a statewide standard, leaving individual agencies to voluntarily develop open data policies, often in an inconsistent and piecemeal fashion, or not at all.  


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Cracking the Code: U.S. House of Representatives Allows Use Of Open Source Software

As the executive branch of the United States government quietly works on creating an official open source policy, the legislative branch is also moving into the 21st century: Open source software is now officially permitted in the U.S. House of Representatives. That means software developed in the People's House with taxpayer funds will eventually be available to the people. According to the nonpartisan OpenGov Foundation, there will soon be an Open Source Caucus in Congress.


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What the Private Sector Can Teach Us About Open Government

The buzzword of the moment among local leaders is “open government,” and chief information officers are attempting to make the hype a reality. In the Center for Digital Government’s 2014 Digital Cities and Counties surveys, one of the top priorities for CIOs at the local level was “open government/transparency/open data.”


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High hopes for open web portal for NY State

The New York State Freedom of Information Law states:

"The legislature hereby finds that a free society is maintained when government is responsive and responsible to the public, and when the public is aware of governmental actions. The more open a government is with its citizenry, the greater the understanding and participation of the public in government."


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Stow first in Summit County to follow Ohio’s lead, put checkbook online

Wondering how much the city spent on road salt this winter? Interested in the expenses for keeping up the city's parks?

That information will soon be at your fingertips.

Stow has decided to become a pioneer in Summit County by becoming the first entity to participate in the state treasurer's Government Transparency Program.  Continue>>>



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