Editorial: Tulsa’s open data balancing act

In 2013, the city of Tulsa created its Open Tulsa website, which now has 35 datasets published.

The number of datasets, compared to cities that have released 10 times the amount, doesn’t adequately reflect the level of commitment by the city; it illustrates the lack of support and advocacy from stakeholders to demand more. Continue…



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Here’s what open-source government looks like

Seamus Kraft was running on minimal sleep through the days of furious Congressional debate surrounding the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), when he had his “aha!” moment. The digital director of communications for House Oversight and Government Reform chairman, Darrell Issa, was looking for a better way to get citizen input on a bill that had become a flashpoint across the internet community.


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Sunlight Foundation: Why should cities have an open data policy?

As more cities break into the world of transparency, policy remains an important piece of the open data puzzle.

But just how relevant and important is an open data policy to a successful open data program? What does it actually accomplish, not just symbolically, but functionally? Or, to put it more bluntly, why even have an open data policy? Continue…



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Michigan: University plans release of course evaluation data

Engineering Prof. James Holloway, the vice provost for Global and Engaged Education, said Monday the University could implement plans to release course evaluation data as early as this semester.

Holloway’s announcement at Monday’s Senate Assembly Committee on University Affairs’ meeting came as a surprise to many of the committee’s members.  Continue>>>



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7 steps to securing open government

WHAT: Push, Pull and Spill: A Transdisciplinary Case Study in Municipal Open Government, a report by the University of Washington School of Law.

WHY: The push to open more government data at state and local levels led a cross-disciplinary team of researchers to assess open government efforts in Seattle. The analysis explored the city’s open data procedures, and their implications for privacy, public trust and citywide impact.  Continue>>>



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