Hawaii’s public records: High fees are keeping public information secret

From Huffington Post: Neil Abercrombie’s job as Hawaii governor takes him around the world.

Tourism meetings in Tokyo. A trade show in Los Angeles. A forum in Beijing.

Those kinds of trips sound pricey. But independently reviewing the travel expenses to see if they are worth taxpayers’ money is definitely cost-prohibitive.



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Open records advocates fear information roadblocks

From Honolulu Star-Advertiser:

The state Office of Information Practices hopes a bill that would grant government agencies a new right to appeal open records decisions in court would give its orders more legal clout, yet open government advocates warn that it would delay public access to information.


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Let Us Now Praise a Lone Hawaii Voice Fighting for Open Records

From Honolulu Civil Beat:

If you care about holding government officials' feet to the fire when it comes to public records, you should be concerned about a bill theHawaii Office of Information Practices is pushing at the Legislature.


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