Civil Beat Editorial: Lawmakers Must Resist Any Effort To Undercut Hawaii’s Public Records Law

On the Friday before Christmas, the Hawaii Supreme Court issued a significant ruling in strong support of freedom of information. It stems from a Civil Beat 2015 lawsuit that sought to access budget documents used to inform Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s spending plans for fiscal year 2016. City officials denied the request, saying it would “frustrate […]

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Open records advocates fear information roadblocks

From Honolulu Star-Advertiser:

The state Office of Information Practices hopes a bill that would grant government agencies a new right to appeal open records decisions in court would give its orders more legal clout, yet open government advocates warn that it would delay public access to information.


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Let Us Now Praise a Lone Hawaii Voice Fighting for Open Records

From Honolulu Civil Beat:

If you care about holding government officials' feet to the fire when it comes to public records, you should be concerned about a bill theHawaii Office of Information Practices is pushing at the Legislature.


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What cost freedom — of information?

Here are several interesting items of note in the last couple days regarding costs associated with fulfilling public records requests—and the fighting thereof.

Granted, if not these then at least some agencies likely have used or will use costs—actual or estimated, reasonable or outlandish—as a way of deflecting criticism when requested records are not searched for adequately or are ultimately not located, and that is unacceptable.


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