Phoenix New Times: Want Public Records From the Arizona Governor’s Office? Be Prepared to Wait.

In his first state of the state address, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey declared, “Our government needs to operate at the speed of business.” Two years ago, his office highlighted the progress of government agencies “working more productively, more efficiently, and doing so at a lesser cost to taxpayers.” But Ducey’s office hasn’t adopted the brisk speed and efficiency […]

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Michigan House Members Pass FOIA Expansion Bills

Michigan House members on Thursday passed bills that would make the governor, lieutenant governor and the Legislature accountable under the state's Freedom of Information Act.

The package of 10 bills — a bipartisan effort — passed unanimously and now moves to the GOP-controlled Senate where its future is not so certain.


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Oregon Gov. Brown owes public more transparency in ethics issues

Two of Gov. Kate Brown’s top staffers stepped down last week following news reports that employment they held outside of her office could compromise their work for the government.

The governor’s spokespeople argued the assertions were baseless as the story played out. And since the resignations were confirmed, they haven’t acknowledged what might have been learned. What’s so dismaying is how familiar it feels.


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IA Gov Branstad proposes expanded government accountability

Gov. Terry Branstad on Thursday proposed creating a Government Accountability Portal to make state government more open, transparent and accountable to Iowa citizens. Branstad said the new entity would be a 'one-stop shop' housed within the Iowa Public Information Board for Iowans to register comments, concerns, questions or suggestions regarding state government and its operations.


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Wisconsin gubernatorial candidates talk about open government

Mary Burke was succinct. She used a single word ó"Yes" ó to answer four of six questions from the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council about open government.

The Democratic candidate for governor responded affirmatively when asked if she would… Burke, a Madison School Board member making her first run for statewide office, also said in her written responses that the Legislature should be subject to the state's open meetings law, though she continues to believe party caucuses should be able to meet in secret. Why?


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Kasich, FitzGerald aren’t that transparent in running government

The candidates for Ohio governor travel the state shaking hands and having coffee with voters, which makes them seem pretty accessible and open.
But in reality, when it comes to transparency in how they conduct business, experts and observers say Republican Gov. John Kasich and Democratic nominee Ed FitzGerald are quite closed.

Editorial: Corbett should OK open records chief

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett should get off the fence and reappoint Monroe County native Terry Mutchler to a second term heading Pennsylvania's Office of Open Records. Mutchler's six-year term ended in April, and she and her busy staff have been in limbo ever since. The work the OOR does is vital. The office advocates for Pennsylvania citizens, helping to ensure access to government records and training public officials on how to comply with the law.


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Illinois Government Transparency Advocates Urge Against Veto Override Of ‘Bad’ FOIA Bill

Government transparency advocates are urging the Illinois General Assembly to opt against overriding Gov. Pat Quinn's recent veto of a bill that would "damage" the state's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The FOIA legislation, HB 3796, is a "step in the wrong direction" that would hurt the public's right to access important government data and information, said Alden Loury, senior policy analyst at the Chicago-based Better Government Association, an independent, non-partisan government watchdog group.

Open government group questions Martinez policy

NFOIC member the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government is asking Gov. Susana Martinez about the administration’s policy for handling information requests from the Legislature’s watchdog committees.

The questions were raised in response to a story by The Associated Press that Martinez agencies have told the Legislative Finance Committee and the Legislative Education Study Committee to send their information requests to the governor’s chief of staff for approval before an agency will respond.


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