Shine a Light on the Defense Budget

From Project on Government Oversight:

POGO and our allies' new campaign to shine a light on the massive defense budget is steadily gaining steam. So far, thousands of people and scores of nonprofit organizations have voiced their support for opening up the Senate markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the bill that allocates hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars each year. 


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Haley wants FOIA exemption lifted


Gov. Nikki Haley wants lawmakers to lift the exemption in state law that allows them to shield their emails and other internal communication from public view.

But how the governor’s office has pursued that goal during the ongoing legislative session has put Haley’s administration at odds with the S.C. Press Association, which represents and serves the state’s daily and weekly newspapers.


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FCC FOIA denial rates higher than CIA for ‘records not reasonably described’

From Daily Caller:

The FCC’s own Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reports suggests that the agency is actually more transparent than the federal government average, putting the agency at odds with numbers recently revealed by Florida House Republican Mario Diaz-Balart.


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More records from Steve Nunn murder case released

From Courier-Journal:

Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government released a second round of files Thursday from the murder case against former state Rep. Steve Nunn, who is serving a life sentence for fatally shooting his ex-fiancee Amanda Ross in 2009.


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Decision on lawsuit may take months

From Asbury Park Press:

When exactly can the information floating inside a computer be considered a “government record” that is open to public inspection? It’s a question being considered by the courts as a result of a lawsuit by the Gannett New Jersey newspapers against the small Somerset County borough of Raritan.


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Gainesville officials worry about recouping cost of fulfilling requests

From Gainesville Times:

As part of the revisions to open records laws, the cost of getting government documents would drop to 10 cents from 25 cents per page.

That change may seem insignificant, but it has troubled Gainesville city officials, who say they already lose money filling records requests.


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Kasson Library Board violates open meeting law


The city of Kasson has been notified that the library board did not comply with the state "sunshine law" when members met on Oct. 21.

The library board called an emergency meeting that day to discuss terminating an employee, but the state commissioner of administration has determined that the meeting was not in fact an emergency meeting.


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