Michigan Environmental Office Repeatedly Stonewalls Record Requests

Rep. Phil Phelps, D-Flushing, says it took months for the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to respond to his Freedom of Information Act request for documents related to the Flint water crisis. The department initially said the documents did not exist, but months later the lawmaker received tens of thousands of documents the agency had withheld.


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Michigan Rep: State FOIA needs expanding after Flint water crisis

Michigan Rep. Jon Hoadley is calling for an expansion in Michigan's Freedom of Information Act following Gov. Rick Snyder's announcing plans to release emails on the Flint water crisis.

Hoadley, D-Kalamazoo, applauded the move toward better access but remained skeptical.

"He will release whichever ones he wants to release, and there will be no penalty if he chooses to forget to release a couple, or if he doesn't release some of the other emails, maybe, between various members of his administration," Hoadley said.


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