NFOIC Announces Winners of 2020 FOI Research Competition

   News Release For Immediate Release –   September 10, 2020  Contact: Daniel Bevarly, Executive Director National Freedom of Information Coalition 352-294-7082   Nine winning research papers have been accepted to the second National Freedom of Information Coalition FOI research competition. The papers will be presented September 30, 2020, during the NFOIC National FOI Summit […]

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Government Secrecy is Growing During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Students at the University of Florida who want to know how they are being protected from the COVID-19 pandemic can’t find out. The university is hiding its emergency response plan under a legal loophole intended to keep terrorists and enemy combatants—not viruses—from exploiting government weaknesses. Since the spread of coronavirus accelerated in recent weeks, local, state and […]

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Knight Foundation Report: Forecasting Freedom of Information

In “Forecasting Freedom of Information,” the work of University of Arizona associate professor of journalism David Cuillier, a survey of 300 people–journalists, advocates, record custodians, technology companies, scholars and freedom of information experts–revealed lengthy delays, ignored requests, excessive fees and, in many cases, an unwillingness to consider producing government records because of outmoded technology.

Find the full report here


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UA prof (and NFOIC Board Member) to Congress: ‘Tipping point’ for freedom of information

"We have reached a tipping point – a crisis situation – when it comes to freedom of information in this country. We are frogs in the kettle of slowly heating water," the head of the UA Journalism School, David Cuillier, told Congress on Tuesday.


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