How can Virginia improve poor record on transparency?

Virginia has a terrible record when it comes to transparency.

The state got a failing grade for public access for information from the Center for Public Integrity last year, so lawmakers are considering a number of bills to make the government more transparent.

One reason the commonwealth gets a bad rap is how the House of Delegates operates. Lawmakers have unrecorded votes in some committees and subcommittees. That's why freshman Del. Mark Levine, a Democrat from Alexandria, says he will post all of the committee meetings about his bills on his YouTube page.

"By videotaping every one of my bills, which are really my constituent's bills, I can show them what happened. If they are voted down, they can see who voted them down. They can see why they were voted down. If they were amended, people can see why they were amended. And the best part about this is I don't need a law to do this," Levine says. Continue…
