Editorial: Nothing to crow about

President Obama made some commendable speeches at the United Nations last week, but his self-serving remarks to a panel on open government wonít win any plaudits from supporters of an independent news media. They were an astonishing example of saying one thing while doing just the opposite.

Mr. Obama has presided over an administration with an appalling record on First Amendment issues, particularly when it comes to government snooping and national security. Despite paying lip service to the idea of open government, he seems as determined as ever to keep the news media and the public in the dark on matters that deserve scrutiny and debate, including the latest bombing campaign in the Middle East.

He's drawn the ire of virtually every free-press organization in this country because of his actions. Yet, he dared tell the Open Government Partnership: ìHere in the United States, we've been trying to lead by example.î That deserves a full-on Pants on Fire rating! Continue>>>