COLUMN: State less than transparent on budget

So how much of your dollars are being spent on providing free college educations for state workers? We don't know ó and that should outrage you. We know that in past budgets the state has spent $5 million on the program known as Upward Mobility.

But if you take a careful look at this year's state budget you'll find that the program has been 'zeroed out' meaning that it appears the state is no longer spending a dime on the program. But appearances can be deceptive, especially when it comes to Illinois state government.

A quick look at the department of Central Management Services website shows that the program is plugging right along ñ same as always. A call to the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, which operates the program with the state and you'll learn money is apparently pouring in this year. But how much of our money is being spent? State officials aren't saying. Continue>>>