California launches new open data portal

California has launched a new open data portal that details the state’s outstanding $1.5 trillion in debt. The site will allow residents to track proposed and issued debt, cost of issuance, and bond and tax election results. The portal is the latest entrant in a plethora of fragmented open data portals launched across the various arms of California government.

The site’s debt-related information covers more than 30 years, from 1984 to the present. Included are more than 2.8 million fields of data, which will be updated monthly. The data will go to the Treasurer’s California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC).

CDIAC has offered some of this debt data for years, but the new portal goes a step further offering a broader range of data sets and the ability to visualize trends. The portal is an expansion of California’s existing relationship with Socrata, which provides software to power open data portals. Continue…
