Bill expanding open meeting law clears Idaho House

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A measure expanding Idaho’s open meeting laws has once again won support from House lawmakers. According to the proposed legislation, boards and commissions created by executive order would be subjected to the Idaho Open Meeting Law. Currently, these panels are not required to let the public know when they’re meeting, post […]

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Watchdog Group Highlights the EPA’s Delayed FOIA responses

Over the past year, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of the Administrator has significantly delayed the department’s processing of Freedom of Information Act requests, according to an ongoing analysis by Project on Government Oversight, a non-partisan non-profit that tracks corruption in the federal government. The initial findings of the analysis show that the office within […]

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S.C. Supreme Court case promises to transform open records laws

MYRTLE BEACH — Any day now, the ability to trace tax dollars in South Carolina could be curtailed.  Or, some argue, the ability to market the state to tourists could be handicapped. A decision has been pending for months in a S.C. Supreme Court case concerning whether a private, nonprofit group that receives accommodations tax […]

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Nebraska AG’s office argues judge should dismiss lawsuit seeking release of information death penalty drugs

Photos taken in October of the packaging of Nebraska’s lethal injection drugs constitute attorney work product and should not be released to the public, an attorney for the state’s prison system has argued. In briefs filed in three lawsuits, Assistant Nebraska Attorney General Ryan Post said the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services denied public records […]

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Kentucky House Bill would exempt committees that award “build-to-suit” contract

A bill that would shroud future projects like Frankfort’s Capital Plaza redevelopment in an extra layer of secrecy has moved a step toward passage. Following an, at times, spirited debate on the virtues of transparency in government and necessity of secrecy in procurement, members of the House Committee on State Government on Thursday sent House […]

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West Virginia Senate approves non-disclosure bill

CHARLESTON — A split West Virginia Senate approved a bill Thursday that would exempt wage information for state contractors under the state Freedom of Information Act. Senate Bill 474 would keep private certain information about employees hired to work on state construction jobs through the West Virginia Jobs Act. The information would include names and […]

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New Virginia law brings public meetings into digital age

 RICHMOND – Bringing government further into the digital age, the General Assembly has given final approval to two bills aimed at modernizing how members of city councils, school boards and other public bodies attend and hold meetings using electronic technologies. HB 906 and HB 908 make it easier for public officials and citizens to attend […]

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EFF and MuckRock are filing a thousand public records requests about ALPR data sharing

EFF and MuckRock have a launched a new public records campaign to reveal how much data law enforcement agencies have collected using automated license plate readers and are sharing with each other. Over the next few weeks, the two organizations are filing approximately 1,000 public records requests with agencies that have deals with Vigilant Solutions, […]

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CT: Bridgeport Police launch body camera program

Mayor Joe Ganim called a “step of additional accountability and transparency.” “I’m happy and — actually in so many ways thankful — to people who, even before we were here, before this administration … have been pushing for this advancement in policing and community policing,” Ganim said. Since the beginning of February, the city has […]

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Push for transparency in Kansas government reaches critical juncture this week

TOPEKA — Soon after the 2018 session opened, passionate talk of making Kansas government more transparent echoed through the state Capitol. Lawmakers issued press releases, attended town halls and held news conferences vowing to bring more openness to one of the darkest states in the country. They introduced measures calling for everything from banning the […]

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