Student journalist & SPLC sue Kan. College over Public Records fees

October 5, 2011

From SPLC:

KANSAS — The Student Press Law Center and a college journalist filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Johnson County Community College in Kansas for excessive fees to release open records, including nearly $10,000 to produce one day’s worth of emails.

The college estimated a total of $24,130.72 to fulfill requests by the SPLC and former copy editor Marcus Clem for staff emails and documents related to other open records requests.


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NFOIC FOI Friday for September 23 2011

A few items selected from many of interest in the last few days.

Whistleblowers, intelligence experts, and veterans join Electronic Frontier Foundation in fight against 'state secrets'

San Francisco – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a coalition of whistleblowers, intelligence experts, and veterans urged a federal appeals court Wednesday to reject government attempts to bury yet another lawsuit challenging illegal surveillance with baseless claims of "state secrets."


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