CIA refuses to respond to FOIA request regarding Occupy movement


(WASHINGTON D.C.) – The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is refusing to process a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that would reveal what role, if any, the agency has played in law enforcement’s coordinated, nationwide campaign to shut down and evict Occupy movement encampments in cities throughout the country.


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Wisconsin State Supreme Court to hear case on public record fees

From The Journal Sentinel:

The state Supreme Court announced Monday it will hear arguments over whether previous Supreme Court decisions authorized government officials to charge for time spent by employees to separate and redact confidential information from public records.

The case stems from a lawsuit filed by the Journal Sentinel over fees the City of Milwaukee charged for public records.


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Favoring disclosure: Court strengthens state public records law

Opinion from Las Vegas Review-Journal:

There is one, overriding reason why Nevada has such a clear, strong public records law: A democracy can't survive without transparency. The public won't have confidence in government institutions or elected officials if the records that document the public's business aren't open to inspection. Secrecy begets tyranny.


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Secrecy protects doctors with long histories of problems

From the Kansas City Star:

Buried deep in a federal database is Practitioner No. 222117, perhaps the most frequently disciplined doctor in America.


But who is this doctor? And is he or she still practicing?

We don’t know. The federal government won’t say. And it won’t even let reporters or anyone else investigate to find out.


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