Work sessions endanger transparency in operations of Miss. government bodies

From The Republic:

GULFPORT, Miss. — The Grenada Star newspaper recently uncovered a plan by city and county officials to charter a bus and head 60 miles to Oxford to spend the day discussing business at a club near the town square.

The newspaper in the northwest Mississippi town began asking questions and ran an editorial about the retreat involving the Grenada City Council, Grenada County Board of Supervisors and others.


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Oregon’s new records rule to be reviewed for transparency

From The Olympian:

The state Supreme Court, prodded into action by a 2009 case involving a reprimanded Federal Way judge, is weighing a rule to underscore that court administrative records are public.

The high court took comments on the draft rule last week. The nine justices expect to revisit the proposal next month.


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Fees Denied for ‘Self-Serving’ FOIA Victory

A federal judge ruled against an attorney seeking legal fees on behalf of his one-man nonprofit after it won access to CIA records.

National Security Counselors, a nonprofit that disseminates information on government activity related to national security, sued the CIA last year when it failed to respond to the organization's two requests under the Freedom of Information Act for documents on the declassification program.


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“Transparency” Governor Declines to Release Schedule

From Providence Journal:

Gov. Susana Martinez bills herself as the transparency governor, promoting her mandate that all state employee salaries be posted publicly, touting her support for a bill that would require agencies and elected bodies to post notices of their meetings 72 hours in advance and promising quick responses to requests for public records.


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California First Amendment Coalition sues for emails

From The Sacramento Bee:

An open records advocacy group is suing the city after being denied emails and other communications regarding last summer's volatile City Council redistricting process. The California First Amendment Coalition (CFAC) filed a suit Friday in Sacramento Superior Court demanding emails between City Council members related to redistricting between April and August of last year.


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