FCC to vote on putting TV’s campaign ad data online

From NPR:

Government regulators take up a rule with wide political implications Friday. The Federal Communications Commission is expected to vote on a proposal requiring TV stations to post online information about the campaign ads they air.

Stations are already compelled to keep those records in public files. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski says it's time to make that information available on the Internet. But TV stations are resisting.


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Attorney General Reviews Possible Meeting Violation

From Journal-topics.com:

The Illinois Attorney General is looking into whether or not the village of Palatine violated provisions of the Open Meetings Act (OMA) by failing to provide proper notice of a Mar. 15 joint district council advisory meeting at the new police headquarters with councilmen Kollin Kozlowski (5th) and Brad Helms (6th).


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ACLU, Others File FOIA Request with Immigration Agency

From PBA.org:

The Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, along with some immigrants’ rights groups, has filed a “Freedom of Information Act” request with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The request asks for information related to two immigration enforcement programs in Georgia. Azadeh Shashahani, with the Georgia ACLU, says they want information about Secure Communities and 287 (g). 


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Harvard Library Will Make 12 Million Records Available to the Public

From The Harvard Crimson:

The Harvard Library took another step toward making research materials and library resources more accessible when it announced yesterday that it will make more than 12 million bibliographic records for a wide range of materials—including books, images, videos, and manuscripts—available to the public.


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Senate backs law on open records

From TheHawkEye.com:

The Iowa Senate unanimously approved an overhaul of the state's open meetings and records law Monday in a plan designed to offer greater public access to government.

The plan now goes to Gov. Terry Branstad, who has been supportive of the concept but hasn't signed off on details. The proposal comes after years of debate about enforcing laws giving the public access to government meetings and records.


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New agency to enforce open government OK’d

From DesMoinesRegister.com:

Iowa is getting a new state agency dedicated to enforcement of open government.

The Senate on Monday approved the bill, Senate File 430, on a 49-0 vote, sending the legislation to Gov. Terry Branstad, who championed the bill as one of his top legislative priorities this year.


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