Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission in legal quandary for open records

From Lehigh Valley:

The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission is not subject to the records laws of Pennsylvania or New Jersey, according to commission attorney Jonathan F. Bloom.

Instead, the commission created its own policy in 2009, but it’s a far cry from New Jersey’s demanding Open Public Records Act.


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West Milford Council opposes changes to New Jersey’s public records access


The New Jersey Senate and Assembly members were urged in a resolution passed by the Township of West Milford Council on Aug. 15 to look at and weigh input from local government authorities and to abide by the concept of State mandate State pay. Two additional resolutions sent to the legislators oppose changes to the Open Public Records Act and the Open Public Meetings Act.



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In records spat, D.C. federal judge wants answers from top DOJ officials

From The National Law Journal:

A federal judge in Washington has called on top Justice Department officials to make key decisions in the dispute over access to information about the secret work acclaimed civil rights era photographer Ernest Withers performed for the FBI.



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N.C. Supreme Court will consider case involving private campus police records

From Student Press Law Center (SPLC):

The North Carolina Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case regarding campus police records at private schools, an important victory for the Elon University graduate and former student journalist.


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