Court dismisses FOIA lawsuit, upholds secrecy in drone killings of U.S. citizens

From ACLU:

NEW YORK – A federal court today dismissed most of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking records about the government’s targeted killing of three American citizens in Yemen in 2011: Anwar Al-Awlaki and Samir Khan in September, and Al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son Abdulrahman in October.

The ACLU plans to appeal the decision.


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Economic Development Agencies Face New Scrutiny

From Pew Center on the States:

Several states, most of them led by Republican governors, have experimented in recent years with the idea of turning their economic development agencies over to semi-private management. The results have not been uniformly successful. Many of these organizations are struggling to balance job creation with public accountability.


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NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for December 28, 2012

State FOIA Friday News A few state FOIA and local open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week:


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Nursing transparency in former Soviet republics


COLUMBIA, Mo – Our work at the National Freedom of Information Coalition (NFOIC) focuses primarily on citizen access, transparency and open government issues at the state and local level.

But we are frequently drawn by overlap and the interrelationship of concerns into national affairs and matters related to the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Though less frequent, we also have occasion from time to time to delve into international transparency issues.


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NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for December 21, 2012

State FOIA Friday News A few state FOIA and local open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week:


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Editorial: “E” in “email” should not stand for “evasion”

By Kenneth F. Bunting from NFOIC:

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Soon after getting the first CNN producer’s message asking about my availability for a live, next-morning segment with their anchor, I responded affirmatively—even before a half-day meeting had concluded.


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Gov. Bobby Jindal skirts around open records laws


Louisiana's public records law gives the governor a sweeping exemption that can keep many issues secret, but the administration of Gov. Bobby Jindal appears to be breaking new ground on ways to keep items hidden from citizens.


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