Open government groups urge Illinois court to grant records access

Press release from Student Press Law Center (SPLC):

The Student Press Law Center (“SPLC”) and other open-government groups are urging the Illinois Appellate Court to grant journalists access to records of a university’s investigation into sexual harassment claims against coaches and a settlement paid to resolve those claims.


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Politician reacts to Michigan legislature lack of transparency


In Michigan, the Republican-controlled legislature succeeded in passing a new "right-to-work" law, which weakens unions' ability to negotiate and has serious negative implications for all workers in the state.


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NMFOG urges public officials to use official email accounts

Position piece from New Mexico Foundation for Open Government's executive director Gwyneth Doland:

It has long been our understanding that a public record is a public record no matter where it is physically located—whether a report sits in a filing cabinet in the office or in an employee’s briefcase at home, for example.


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