S.C. House public records bill advances

From The State:

A state House subcommitee approved a bill aimed at strengthening the state’s open records laws Thursday.

Sponsored by state Rep. Bill Taylor, R-Aiken, the bill seeks to amend the state’s Freedom of Information Act – the law regulating public records – to curb excessive fees charged those seeking records and ensure those requests are filled in a timely manner.


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NJ Senate to vote on open public records bill this afternoon

From Planet Princeton:

(February 7, 2013) – The New Jersey Senate is slated to vote on changes to the State’s Open Public Records Act today that are supposed to provide citizens with more access to public records. But many open government advocates no longer support the bill because of a key change regarding legal fees. The New Jersey Press Association also opposes the legal fee change.


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Bill eases access to NV public records

From Las Vegas Sun:

Lawmakers are scheduled to discuss a bill aimed at increasing government transparency and the availability of public records.

AB31 will be presented to the Assembly Committee on Government Affairs Thursday morning. The measure calls for all units of the Executive Department of State Government, excluding the Nevada System of Higher Education, to designate at least one employee as its records manager.


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Bills would limit Oregon public records law

From San Francisco Chronicle:

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Want to find out if a particular motel has bedbugs? … Who won the lottery? … How much a retired public employee is earning from a pension?

Some in the Oregon Legislature want to keep that information confidential, and several bills would cut off public access to those records.


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Public records advocate questions West Palm Beach’s 24-hour notice of meeting

From The Palm Beach Post:

WEST PALM BEACH — A four-hour meeting of the city commission scheduled for Thursday to interview six water consultants was not announced until this afternoon, two minutes after The Palm Beach Post e-mailed Mayor Jeri Muoio and asked why the meeting wasn’t made public.



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Judge orders state to release emails in suit over Gov. Scott’s plan for Mansion-area park

the Tampa Bay Times:

TALLAHASSEE, FL — Some governors left bronze statues behind. Others contributed a library or a sunroom to the Governor’s Mansion.

Gov. Rick Scott envisions a legacy that would create Governor’s Park, across a six block by three and a half block area in downtown Tallahassee.


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Lawmakers seek to limit Jindal’s records exemption

From The Advocate:

Two lawmakers want to open more of the Louisiana Governor’s Office to scrutiny, proposing a bill that would limit the expansive public records exemption used by Gov. Bobby Jindal to hide nearly all documents in his office.

State Rep. Jerome “Dee” Richard, No Party-Thibodaux, and state Sen. Rick Gallot, D-Ruston, filed the measure this week to be considered in the legislative session that begins in April.


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Indiana House OKs 3 bills that would affect open records

From Fort Wayne Journal Gazette:

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana House passed three bills Tuesday affecting open records and government transparency, including one that will shield the addresses of police officers, judges and prosecutors in certain public databases available online.



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Possible Huntington Pilot Plant site profile revision; FOIA filed

From HuntingtonNews.net:

A two-day radiation dose reconstruction board meeting held in Cincinnati, Ohio may have included revisions to the site profile of the Huntington Pilot Plant, according to Terrie Barrie, founding member Alliance of Nuclear Workers Advocacy Groups.


HNN has filed a FOIA request for the data.


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