CHC & WELC win FOIA lawsuit, federal agency broke law by withholding identities of nominating parties

From Citizens for a Healthy Community:

DENVER – A federal court ruled yesterday (February 13, 2013) that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) policy and practice of keeping secret from the public the identity of entities nominating public lands for oil and gas development is unlawful.


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SPJ letter urges Wyo. governor to support government transparency

From Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ):

INDIANAPOLIS (February 18, 2013) — Linda Petersen, SPJ Freedom of Information Committee Chair, last week wrote to Wyoming governor Matt Mead asking him to veto a bill concerning public records. The bill, HB223 Public Records — Institutions of Higher Education, would conceal from the public the search process for the University of Wyoming president. Society of Professional Journalists President Sonny Albarado also signed the letter.


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Utah legislators working on open records bills

From San Francisco Chronicle:

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Two years after Utah lawmakers drew public fury with a restrictive public records bill, some legislators are keeping up a reconciliation effort with bills to designed expand access to public records.

Lawmakers have introduced legislation to create online portals for legislative emails and other public records and to require agencies to waive records request fees in certain cases.


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Supreme Court to hear case on public records access and out-of-state-bias

From Rutgers:

NEWARK, NJ – On February 20, 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for McBurney v. Young. The case deals with the issue of whether a state may prevent citizens of other states from having the same right of access to public records that the state affords its own citizens.


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Most open country 2013: government transparency ranked by Open Budget Survey

From The Huffington Post:

Fabled Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis once said, "sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." If that is in fact the case, then the world as a whole is a pretty grimy place, according to the latest edition of the Open Budget Survey.


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Betsy Ross honored for 18 years as open-records advocate

From The Salt Lake Tribune:

The State Records Committee’s first ruling Thursday was bittersweet for board members and came without hearing a word of testimony.

The seven-member panel honored its departing chairwoman with a formal order recognizing Betsy Ross for her 18 years on the committee, a stint spanning the history of Utah’s current open-records law.


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