Chan Lowe: Sunshine Week

Opinion from Sun Sentinel:

Those who rhapsodize about defending the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution (even if all they’ve read is the last half of the Second Amendment) have a good point. Our rights don’t just sit there, inviolate, waiting to be enjoyed at random. They need to be defended around the clock from enemies foreign and domestic.


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Ruth Johnson offers Sunshine Week push for more election transparency in Michigan

From Detroit Free Press:

LANSING — Michigan’s top elections official wants to require political campaigns to report financial contributions within 48 hours after they receive them, one of several proposals aimed at giving voters nearly real-time information about the money behind the candidates.


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Sunshine Week reminds public officials of their obligation to openness

Editorial from Star-Telegram:

The Texas Open Meetings Act is designed to let members of the public see what their elected officials are up to. But sometimes, you watch them in action and still wonder what they’re up to.


Started in Florida in 2002, Sunshine Week spotlights the public’s right to know.


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Bob Heisse: Sunshine Week celebrates the public’s right to know

From The State Journal-Register:

The idea for Sunshine Week started — appropriately enough — in Florida in 2002 when that state’s newspapers shed light on proposals by some legislators to create many new exemptions to the public records laws.

Following three Sunshine Sundays in which newspapers publicized these efforts, Florida legislators voted down about 300 proposals that would have restricted the right to know.



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Shadows lengthen on access to public records

Editorial from Dennis Hetzel, executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association:

Every year, Sunshine Week underscores the importance of open government across the nation. It is a perfect moment to share concerns in Ohio about ever-growing exceptions to an open records law that should ensure you have access to information about what your government officials do and how well they do it.


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Center for Media and Democracy wins open government award

From The Center for Media and Democracy’s PR Watch:

The Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council has awarded the “Citizen Openness Award” to the Center for Media and Democracy for its efforts to bring sunshine to government operations in 2012.



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Congressmen demand investigation of EPA selectively blocking FOIAs

From The Examiner:

An internal email that appears to counsel Environmental Protection Agency officials on delaying or obstructing inconvenient Freedom of Information Act requests has sparked congressional demands for an investigation.


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