Data forms the framework, old-fashioned reporting


Some in the family might take Earl Glynn for granted having been for so long ably, reliably and genially assisted by him.

Not me.

Rumor has it that over the years, famous novelists, actors, anthropologists and political cartoonists have made pilgrimages to Overland Park, Kan., in efforts to capture the essence of the quintessential data analyst in his natural state, crunching data for Watchdog reporters.


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Arming citizens with the power of knowledge


It’s Sunshine Week, that time of year we reflect on the importance of government transparency and how critical it is to our democracy. Much of the conversation during Sunshine Week focuses on the failure of government to be open and transparent. Citizens, Journalists, and Reform groups use this time to highlight how we can expand our current rights and combat government secrecy.


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Pa. transparency earns temperate grade in Sunshine Week report


HARRISBURG – If the commonwealth were an elementary school student, we’re not sure if its mother would put this grade on the refrigerator. But in national context, Pennsylvania’s legislative transparency is pretty much on the curve.


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FOIA and the most transparent administration in history

From The Rocky Mountain Collegian:

Last Wednesday, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul took to the Senate floor for almost 13 hours in a classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington-type talking filibuster, holding up the confirmation of the new CIA head, John Brennan, over the Obama administration’s inability to answer a few simple questions about the targeted killings of American citizens with drones.


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It’s Sunshine Week

Opinion from

Government is big business, probably the biggest business in the nation. Just as businesses are beholden to stockholders, the government is beholden to its stakeholders – us, the citizens.

Sunshine Week is being celebrated by news organizations throughout the country this week. It coincides with March 16, the birthday of the man who wrote the Bill of Rights, President James Madison.


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