Sunshine “Weak:” Wisconsin leaders failing state’s open government traditions

From The Center for Media and Democracy’s PRWatch:

“If Wisconsin were not known as the Dairy State it could be known, and rightfully so, as the Sunshine State,” the Wisconsin Supreme Court observed in 2010. “All branches of Wisconsin government have, over many years, kept a strong commitment to transparent government.”


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Kent Flanagan: For Sunshine Week, Kent Flanagan looks at history of Tennessee Public Records Act of 1957

Opinion from The Nashville City Paper:

For months last year, I kept asking members of the Coalition for Open Government and the Tennessee Press Association if they knew anything about the history of the Tennessee Public Records Act of 1957.


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D.C. government agencies: Kinda open, kinda not

From DCist:

It's been almost two years since the D.C. Open Meetings Act took effect, instituting new requirements that all city bodies and agencies had to follow to ensure that the public had as much access to their work as possible. But how well are those agencies doing in complying with the law?


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Lawmakers approve rule effectively exempting themselves from some public-records requests

From Santa Fe Reporter:

On Wednesday, the Legislative Council Service provided SFR with relatively few of the legislative emails sought in a public-records request filed last Friday. The LCS says the rest of the emails were “exempt from disclosure,” even though the response was sent before lawmakers approved a rule effectively exempting them from public-records reqeusts.


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Online public records access a mixed bag

From Columbia Basin Herald:

MOSES LAKE – Living in a digital age has its benefits. The internet puts the information a user wants virtually at their fingertips. People have immediate access to scores from the latest game, the stock market and the news, among a myriad of other information available on the web.


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Local FOIA requests center on hot-button issues

From Daily Chronicle:

Local governments in DeKalb County received at least 700 FOIA requests from residents from around the country in the six months between Oct. 4, 2012, and March 4.

In commemoration of Sunshine Week, a nationwide movement dedicated to open government, the Daily Chronicle filed FOIA requests with local governments to see how people used the common information tool.


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Rep. Mike Fasano earns open government award

From Tampa Bay Times:

Veteran state legislator Mike Fasano was honored Thursday by the First Amendment Foundation for his efforts improving transparency in government.

Foundation president Barbara Petersen praised Fasano’s long record of ensuring the legislative process remains open and accessible while representing the people’s interests, most notably in the 2012 session.


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