Sunshine Week a dark time this year


Thank goodness the legislators across the state let us know they support Arkansas’ vanguard Freedom of Information Act. Routinely, they begin conversations saying, “I support the Freedom of Information Act.” If a “but” follows that opening clause, well, at least we know where they stand about the people’s right to know what their government is doing.


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Public agencies request thousands of dollars for drone records

From U.S. News:

If you want to know what Georgia Tech University is doing to make their drones fly, you better have deep pockets. Georgia Tech is one of many public agencies that are asking for thousands of dollars in order to release document related to their research and testing of drones.


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Some town clerks, hack pols wage war against public records access

Opinion from New Haven Register:

You know the barriers to public records are getting beyond ludicrous when genealogists and Civil War researchers are considered enemies of the state.

This is just a taste of more to come. It’s looking more and more like Last Rites time for Freedom of Information in Connecticut.


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SE Mo. judge blocks public records request

From Daily Journal Online:

A judge has issued an order blocking a newspaper’s request for documents about the resignation of the police chief in southeast Missouri.

Perryville Police Chief Keith Tarrillion submitted his resignation last week amid allegations that he falsified a police report in a personal insurance claim two years ago.


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OGIS to focus on FOIA fees, immigration records, says Nisbet

From Fierce Government:

Freedom of Information Act fees and fee waivers are a persistent problem for agency FOIA offices and for requesters, according to Miriam Nisbet, director of the Office of Government Information Services at the National Archives and Records Administration.


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Therese D. Hayt: Ohio’s public records law is facing new restrictions


Last week, we celebrated Sunshine Week, the annual observance of the importance of access to public information and what it means to you and our community.

We published several guest columns from representatives of various media organizations around the country and our state. Each one spelled out why public records belong to you, the taxpayer.



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Many Florida counties lacking in public records compliance


It seems like a reasonable idea: Before the records in a criminal or civil case can be made public, Florida’s clerks of court must purge them of all Social Security, credit card and bank numbers.



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Rock County, Wis., takes streamlined approach to FOIA requests

From Government Technology:

Last year, as word got out about Rep. Paul Ryan running alongside then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the clerk’s office in Ryan’s home county, Rock County, Wis., began fielding a variety of open records requests.

When he was officially named Romney’s running mate in August, an influx of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests funneled into the department, right up until the presidential election.


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DC Appeals Court rejects CIA’s secrecy claims in ACLU’s targeted killing FOIA lawsuit

From American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU):

WASHINGTON – A federal appeals court ruled today that the Central Intelligence Agency cannot deny its “intelligence interest” in the targeted killing program and refuse to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests about the program while officials continue to make public statements about it.


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