FOIA is looking great — through DOJ’s rose-colored glasses


Anyone walking out of the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Sunshine Week celebration on March 11 with no previous exposure to the FOIA system would have thought the process is working better for requesters than ever. Records are released 94% of the time; backlogs are down; agencies are using technology to help them process requests faster. These happy stories do not represent the reality for many requesters, however.


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School safety bill mired in public records exemptions

Editorial from


Senate Bill 1133, referred to often as the school safety bill, passed the Senate, 33-1, last Thursday, March 14.


SB 1133 is scheduled for consideration in the House Education Committee today, Wednesday. On its face, SB 1133 is a good bill. It addresses school security concerns in a decidedly Idaho way.


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