Vermont Legislature to postpone action on record exemptions


MONTPELIER — The House takes up a short bill Tuesday morning that postpones decisions about public records exemptions until 2014 to allow for the Legislature’s legal staff to comb the statutes one last time and write a bill that would consolidate the exemptions — 239 at last count — in a single place in the law books.


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NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for April 19, 2013

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CISPA plan to let feds receive confidential data wins big House vote

From CNET news:

The U.S. House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved a controversial data-sharing bill that would authorize e-mail and Internet providers to share confidential information with the federal government.


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Blogger need not reveal sources, judge says in extending Shield Law


A state court judge has extended the protections of New Jersey's newspersons' Shield Law to independent bloggers, even those who crusade against perceived government corruption and mismanagement.

Superior Court Judge Karen Cassidy on April 12 quashed a prosecutor's subpoena of Tina Renna, president of the Union County Watchdog Association, who posts frequently on a website called "The County Watchers."


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