Some Obama appointees using nonpublic email accounts

From The Columbus Dispatch:  Some of President Barack Obama’s political appointees are using secret government email accounts to conduct official business, a practice that complicates agencies’ legal responsibilities to find and turn over emails under public-records requests and congressional inquiries.


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IRS approves MiCOG as tax-exempt organization

From Michigan Coalition for Open Government:  The Michigan Coalition for Open Government is proud to announce our new tax-exempt status.

We received notification on June 3, 2013, from the Small Business Clinic at Michigan State University’s Law College that our application has been approved by the IRS.


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NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily

From Glenn Greenwald at The Guardian:  The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America's largest telecoms providers, under a top secret court order issued in April.


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Newtown officials ordered to provide 911 calls to public records panel for review

From Washington Post:  A state Freedom of Information commission on Monday ordered Newtown officials to provide it with 911 calls from the day of the shooting inside Sandy Hook Elementary School as it considers an appeal for their release by The Associated Press.


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INDOT memo strips public info, but new IEDC rules open doors

From  By one stroke this year, Indiana lawmakers and the new governor vastly improved the public's ability to find out how the show is run here at the Statehouse, while in another, top managers at the Indiana Department of Transportation quietly clamped down on what's available.


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llinois Press Association opposes public records exemption in concealed carry bill

From  The Illinois Press Association has come out in opposition to concealed-carry legislation the General Assembly approved last week on the grounds that a newly created licensing review board’s exemption from the Freedom of Information and Open Meetings acts is unwarranted.

“The rationale is simple. There should not be secret government,” said Don Craven, attorney for the association.


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Newtown officials ordered to provide 911 calls to public records panel for review

From The Republic:  HARTFORD, Connecticut — A state Freedom of Information commission on Monday ordered Newtown officials to provide it with 911 calls from the day of the shooting inside Sandy Hook Elementary School as it considers an appeal for their release by The Associated Press.


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