Durango officials say new technology for photographing public records is costing them money

From The Republic:  DURANGO, Colorado — Durango officials are asking the City Council to ban people from photographing public records to save money, forcing city workers to search out documents without covering their expenses.


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Law ignored, critics say

Delawareonline.com:  A group tasked with finding improvements to the state’s charter school system may have violated open meetings laws, according to a report from the Attorney General’s Office.

That has drawn the ire of open government advocates and legislators who say a handful of power-players are crafting major education policy behind closed doors.



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Pressure on to open border death records

From U-T San Diego:  SAN DIEGO — The American Civil Liberties Union and local news organizations, including U-T San Diego, asked a federal judge Tuesday to reject a request to seal documents in a wrongful-death suit that alleges an unauthorized immigrant died after being beaten and shot with a Taser by Border Patrol agents.


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EPA’s explanation for FOIA bias leaves a lot of questions unanswered

From Daily Caller:  The Environmental Protection Agency has been under fire for weeks over allegations it treats right-of-center groups harshly when they request documents under the Freedom of Information Act but promptly assists left-of-center requesters.


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Trib wins appeal to open records in settlement with former county inmate

From Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:  The county must obtain and release the settlement between a nonprofit that provides medical services at the Allegheny County Jail and a former inmate because the county created, funds and shares offices with the organization, the state Office of Open Records ruled Monday in response to an appeal filed by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.


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Gene Policinski: Second try at a shield law echoes the first

Opinion from the First Amendment Center:  An irony of timing twice has put U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning in the headlines at critical moments in gaining congressional approval of a federal shield law that would protect journalists and their confidential sources.


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County denies release of controller emails

From Citizens’ Voice:  Luzerne County can conceal Controller Walter L. Griffith Jr.’s emails because of his arrest on felony electronic-surveillance charges and the lawsuit alleging he violated the state’s wiretap law, the county claimed in denials to open-records requests.


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