U.S. surveillance court won’t stop release of secret ruling

From Bloomberg Businessweek:  The secret U.S. court that rules on surveillance requests from intelligence agencies said it won’t stand in the way of an activist group’s lawsuit seeking the release of one of its nonpublic opinions.


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Obama speech impacts California drone lawsuit

From Twin Cities Daily Planet:  Since its earliest days, the Obama administration has been circumspect about officially confirming the existence of its drone-centric counter-terrorism operations. Despite extensive press coverage of the subject (as well as apparently sanctioned leaks and carefully crafted public statements) the administration avoided officially acknowledging its drone program for over four years.


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Will PRISM impact open data efforts?

From Government Technology:  In recent years, many state and local governments have put effort into open data projects that would inspire developers to create apps and find ways to use public data to bring value to their communities. So news of PRISM, the National Security Agency’s (NSA) online spying tool leaked by former CIA employee Edward Snowden, angered a lot of people and began a debate about the role of open data.


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Court allows classified documents to be withheld

From Legalbrief Today:  The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has ruled that the US Trade Representative (USTR) can legally withhold classified documents regarding free trade negotiations under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), says a Jurist report.


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Obama, DHS lawlessness on immigration exposed by watchdogs

From Examiner:  While President Barack Obama pushed hard on Tuesday for support of his immigration agenda and the proposed legislation by the so-called “gang of eight” U.S. senators, an “Inside the Beltway” watchdog group announced it obtained documents that revealed the Obama administration’s lawlessness in complying with current immigration enforcement laws and regulations.


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Checkbook NYC open-sourced at Personal Democracy Forum 2013

From IT News Online:  STERLING, Va., June 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — The New York City Comptroller announced at the Personal Democracy Forum press conference that Checkbook NYC, a financial transparency tool developed by REI Systems, is now open-sourced and available for download by other city and state governments.


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