California public records law ‘eviscerated’ in budget bill, critics charge

From Mercury News:  Legislation tucked into the state budget bill would “eviscerate” the public’s ability to track tax dollars and hold local officials accountable, open government advocates charged Friday.


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Despite 2012 open-records law, less information is made public in R.I.

From Providence Journal:  PROVIDENCE — Last September, at least on paper, Rhode Island was supposed to become a more transparent state.


But there seems to be confusion over the interpretation of the law among police departments and state agencies, which in many instances are releasing less rather than more information.



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Pillars of secret government stand as vows to make government more accountable are put to test

From The Washington Post:  WASHINGTON — It’s as if the United States has two governments, one open and one very much not. President Barack Obama leads both, trying not to butt heads with himself.



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U.S. chief records officer details federal e-mail record-keeping programs

From The Washington Post:  After the Associated Press reported this month that some Obama Cabinet officials have used alternative e-mail accounts in addition to government addresses to conduct federal business, The Washington Post talked with the National Archives and Records Administration about it and what’s new in the world of electronic recordkeeping.


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The case for a secrecy beat

Editorial from Columbia Journalism Review:  Despite the recent blockbuster leaks about spying on the phone records of millions of Americans, and President Obama’s stated willingness to discuss the issues they raise, a front-page New York Times article on Tuesday asserted that “legal and political obstacles” make a vigorous public debate about sur […]

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Nominate a White House Champion of Change for Transformative Civic Engagement

From the White House:  […]

This July, the White House will host a “Champions of Change” event to celebrate these local change-agents, whose exemplary leadership is helping to strengthen our democracy and increase participation in our government.


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California Public Records Act gravely threatened by stealth amendments

The California Public Records Act (CPRA) is gravely threatened by stealth amendments revealed for the first time yesterday as part of a "trailer bill" to the new state budget. Instead of the relatively minor cost-saving tweaks proposed earlier by the Governor and approved in legislative committees, the actual amending language will gut key transparency safeguards in California's most important open-government law.


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FAF Sunshine Report – Volume 2 Summer 2013

Newsletter from the Florida First Amendment Foundation:   In this issue: Barbara Petersen: More sunshine law exemptions, but also some progress – our 2013 legislative session final report, A full agenda at this year’s freedom of information summit, State legislator Mike Fasano wins 2012 Pete Weitzel/Friend of the First Amendment Award, First Amendment Foundation and SPJ-South Florida sponsor series of columns, Your Right to Know – in […]

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NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for June 14, 2013

A few state FOIA and local open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week. While you're at it, be sure to check out State FOIA Friday Archives.


Private prison firm CCA defends record on transparency in Vt.


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