State FOIA Friday for August 2, 2013

From NFOIC:  A few state FOIA and local open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week.

While you're at it, be sure to check out State FOIA Friday Archives.

Maine CDC official resigns over public records flap


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MIT, library urge intervention in public records suit

From the Blog of Legal Times:  Lawyers for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the digital library JSTOR continue to press their fight to intervene in a public records lawsuit to assert control over the scope of information the government is planning to release about the late Aaron Swartz.


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Federal food stamp program lacks transparency

The lack of transparency regarding the federal food stamp program, known as known as "SNAP,"  short for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, was the subject of this strong column by writers Felice Freyer and Irene Wielawski published in today's Los Angeles Times. NFOIC executive director Kenneth Bunting  was one of the signers of the letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack that is referenced in the column. 

So far, there has been no answer or response to that April 3 letter.


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FOIFT names Rep. Todd Hunter Open Government Lawmaker of the Year

AUSTIN, Texas — Rep. Todd Hunter, who has authored legislation to improve public access to government and protect First Amendment rights, is receiving the Open Government Lawmaker of the Year Award from the Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas.

Hunter, R-Corpus Christi, is chairman of the House Calendars Committee. He served in the House from 1989-97 and returned in 2009. He has long been an advocate for open government. Hunter will receive the award during the FOI Foundation’s annual conference Aug. 9 in Austin.


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NEFAC open government news for July 2013

From New England First Amendment Coalition:  The NEFAC Report — New England's monthly right-to-know dispatch.

This month:

Electronic Chatter Among Officials at Public Meetings Raises Issues of Transparency:  

NASHUA, N.H. – When officials in Nashua came up with an idea to equip the city's elected leaders with electronic tablets at public meetings to save costs on paper copies of documents, it seemed like a decent idea.


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Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas announces James Madison Award recipients

From FOIFT:  Former El Paso Times reporter Zahira Torres and editor Robert Moore will be honored next month with Texas' most prestigious open-government award for their work exposing cheating at the El Paso Independent School District.


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Kentucky child safety officials defend redacting child abuse records

From Houston Chronicle:  Kentucky child safety officials have testified that their main reason for redacting information in files of children who have been severely abused or neglected is to protect the privacy of families involved.

Department of Community Based Services Teresa James said protecting the privacy of the families helps them to heal and rebuild.


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