State FOIA Friday for August 16, 2013

From NFOIC:  A few state FOIA and local open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week. While you're at it, be sure to check out State FOIA Friday Archives.

Indy district seeks records on takeover of schools


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CIA acknowledges existence of Area 51 in newly declassified docs

From USA Today:  After years of government denials, the CIA is acknowledging in newly declassified documents the existence of Area 51, the mysterious site in central Nevada that has spawned top-secret tools, weapons and not a few UFO conspiracies.

George Washington University's National Security Archive obtained a CIA history of the U-2 spy plane program through a [FOIA] request and released it Thursday.


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NMFOG announces 2013 Dixon Freedom Award winners

From New Mexico Foundation for Open Government:  Five recipients were selected by FOG Board members to receive the organization’s top award for open government. The award, which has been given since 2002, honors NM FOG co-founder and longtime Board member William S. Dixon. Dixon was an attorney and leading defender of the First Amendment and public rights under the New Mexico Open Meetings Act (OMA) and Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA).


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Appallicious CEO receives national open data leadership award

From IT News Online:  Appallicious co-founder and CEO Yo Yoshida accepted the Exemplary Leadership Award from the Center for Digital Government last week at the Center's seventh annual Industry Summit, for his work with open data in San Francisco and across the country.


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Hunting local public records is faster than federal FOIA — but with a catch

From It's been almost 50 years since the Freedom of Information Act's enactment and accessing information at the federal, state and local level has almost turned into a document lottery.

Over the past few days we have been breaking down what to expect when sending a response and today we take a better look at the difference between federal and state/local agencies.


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Opinion: Thinking about moral definitions of openness

Perspective from TechPresident: It is hard for Westerners to realize just how much we take for granted about intellectual property, and in particular, how much the property owner’s perspective–be it a corporation, government or creative artist–is embedded in our view of the world as the natural order of things.


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CIA refuses to acknowledge drone targeted killings

From Wired:  Months after a federal appeals court reinstated a lawsuit seeking Central Intelligence Agency documents outlining the government’s drone targeted killing program, the President Barack Obama administration is again claiming that acknowledging if it has such paperwork could disclose classified secrets concerning whether it even carries out targeted killings.

All the while, a federal appeals court ruled in March that everybody knows the government performs targeted killings.


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EPA may have tried to evade FOIA request, judge says

From  A federal judge said Wednesday that the Environmental Protection Agency may have tried to evade a Freedom of Information Act request and added that “numerous inconsistencies” in the agency’s court filings “undermine confidence in their truthfulness.”

As a result, Judge Royce C. Lamberth granted the conservative Landmark Legal Foundation, which filed the request for e-mails of current and former top EPA officials, the right to question them in person and in writing.


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CIA memo confirms snooping file on Noam Chomsky

From  For years, the Central Intelligence Agency denied it had a secret file on MIT professor and famed dissident Noam Chomsky. But a new government disclosure obtained by FP reveals for the first time that the agency did in fact gather records on the anti-war iconoclast during his heyday in the 1970s.


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