Group making request for public records detained by cops after staff felt ‘intimidated’ by cameras

From The Blaze: A group in a municipal office in Hialeah, Florida, making a request for public records was detained by police because employees felt “we had ‘invaded’ the city clerk’s office and ‘attacked’ them with our cameras, putting them ‘under threat’ and causing them to feel ‘intimidated,’” Carlos Miller from Photography Is Not a Crime wrote on his blog.

In a separate incident the next day, a man making a request for records in Miami claims he was threatened with arrest.


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Ohio Gov. Kasich orders tax-credit values given to companies to remain public information

From The Columbus Dispatch: Gov. John Kasich has ordered a state agency to end its new policy of keeping secret the estimated values of hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of tax credits given to companies each year.

The Republican governor learned yesterday that the state’s Development Services Agency, which reports to him, recently had decided to consider the values of tax credits as “trade secrets” and would no longer release them to the public.


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Sierra Club sues for public records in NE Ohio probe of illegal dumping of fracking wastewater

From The Republic: COLUMBUS, Ohio — An environmental group seeking documents related to alleged illegal dumping of wastewater from oil and gas drilling into a northeast Ohio storm sewer is suing the state for access to the records.

The Sierra Club filed its suit Monday in the Ohio Supreme Court. The group alleges the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has not produced records responsive to a public records request sent six months ago.


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WCOG honors 2 from Tacoma

From The News Tribune: The Washington Coalition for Open Government honored two Tacoma men for their lifelong dedication to open government principles Friday morning at the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle.

Dave Seago, a former editorial page editor for The News Tribune, and former state Auditor Brian Sonntag were given standing ovations by the crowd of attorneys, journalists and other open government supporters.

Seago earned the James Andersen Award for his volunteer work with WCOG.



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WCOG honors 2 from Tacoma

From The News Tribune: The Washington Coalition for Open Government honored two Tacoma men for their lifelong dedication to open government principles Friday morning at the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle.

Dave Seago, a former editorial page editor for The News Tribune, and former state Auditor Brian Sonntag were given standing ovations by the crowd of attorneys, journalists and other open government supporters.

Seago earned the James Andersen Award for his volunteer work with WCOG.



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‘Other guy’ theory won’t win FOIA production

From Courthouse News Service: WASHINGTON (CN) – A death row lawyer who says police got the wrong guy cannot access law enforcement records on the supposed true culprit, a federal judge ruled.

Blythe Taplin, a lawyer with the nonprofit Capital Appeals Project in New Orleans, had asked the FBI on behalf of her client Rogers Lacaze to release such documents.

Visit Courthouse News Service for more.



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NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for September 13, 2013

From NFOIC:  A few state FOIA and local open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week. While you're at it, be sure to check out State FOIA Friday Archives.

Baltimore city open data


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