AP: Records show Maine gov. tried to jam wind plan

From The Sacramento Bee: AUGUSTA, Maine — Before its public push to have Maine reconsider wind energy proposals, Gov. Paul LePage’s administration worked behind the scenes to explicitly derail Norwegian company Statoil’s multimillion-dollar agreement with the state for an offshore wind project, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.


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Capitol Notebook: State law protects public employees from public scrutiny

From Aberdeen News: PIERRE — South Dakota’s laws regarding public records are in some ways good and in other ways bad, depending on what a person is trying to learn about the everyday operations within a government or public school district.


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Mass. Attorney General’s Office declines to investigate Open Meeting Law complaint against Palmer Redevelopment Authority

From Masslive.com: PALMER – The Attorney General’s Office has declined to investigate an Open Meeting Law complaint against the Palmer Redevelopment Authority lodged by Paul E. Burns regarding what he said were violations of requirements for quorums and for posting meetings, as well as the use of remote participation when it had not been formally adopted.


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Judge turns down FOIA for bin Laden burial records

From Las Vegas Sun: A federal judge is siding with the Navy in its refusal to release some records about the 2011 burial at sea of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon this week turned down a bid by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, to get the records under the Freedom of Information Act.

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NSA bought hacking tools from Vupen, a French based zero-day exploit seller

From The Hacker News: The US government, particularly the National Security Agency has been paying a French security firm for backdoors and zero day hacks.

According to a contract newly released in response to a Freedom of Information request, last year the NSA purchased a 12-month subscription to a “binary analysis and exploits service” sold by Vupen, a zero-day Exploit Seller based in France.

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Globe’s request for FBI records regarding probe was filed in ’12

From The Joplin Globe: JOPLIN, Mo. — The Joplin Globe filed an open records request more than a year ago to try to determine whether a Joplin City Council member or any other public officials were involved in a five-year gambling and public corruption probe conducted by the FBI.

The Globe also sought the FBI documents under the Freedom of Information Act to determine whether the probe shed any light on the disappearance of $63,000 from the Jasper County Drug Task Force and files missing from the Joplin Police Department regarding that case.


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Blocking the public’s right to know about ALEC

From The Nation: In the two years since the ALEC Exposed project revealed the role that the secretive American Legislative Exchange Council plays in shaping the laws of states across the nation, the group has had a much harder time hiding its meddling.

In fact, so much national attention has been paid to ALEC’s role in promoting restrictive voter ID laws and controversial Stand Your Ground initiatives that ALEC officials announced last year that they would shut down the task force that was responsible for promoting those measures.


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