Mat-Su Frontiersman Opinion: Alaska Governor Walker fails at government transparency

Among Gov. Bill Walker’s many failures – women’s rights, wildlife conservation, public safety, climate change, salmon protection, environment – a fundamental one is his failure to conduct state business openly and transparently. Alaska statute underscores the need for openness in government, as follows: “State government units exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s […]

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Atlanta Meets Self-Imposed Transparency Portal Deadline

Working to deliver on one of five goals set earlier this year with the debut of the new Mayor’s Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Atlanta officials gathered to mark the debut of a portal aimed at tracking city funds Sept. 4. The initiative known as Open Checkbook was announced on April 10, less than a month after the […]

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Industry Insight: To Sustain Journalism, News Organizations Tweak the For-Profit Model

Profits have disappeared. Survival is in question. So why don’t local news organizations just become nonprofits? It’s a question that’s been posed with increasing frequency in recent years, often in the wake of steep newsroom cuts. Hundreds of independent online news sites operate as nonprofits. Public radio is an increasingly important and active part of […]

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Unusual request for 2016 ballots worries Michigan election officials

A recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for copies of ballots from 2016 originally puzzled Michigan election officials and is causing some concern as the group behind the request explains its motives.   A few weeks ago, city and township clerks across Michigan received FOIA requests from someone claiming to be “Emily”, asking clerks […]

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FOIA emails show concern about Pittsylvania County (VA) DSS board

Email records obtained by the Star-Tribune through FOIA requests from Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services Director Sherry Flanagan from August 2017 indicated Flanagan was ‘fearful’ of county administrator David Smitherman and worried her board would be eliminated. On August 15, 2017, Brenda Robertson, Administrative Assistant/Legal Assistant for County Attorney Vaden Hunt emailed Flanagan to, “please forward […]

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MuckRock: Share your story and help us fight FOIA fees around the country

According to the Department of Justice Summary of Annual FOIA Reports for FY 2017, almost $3 million dollars were collected in FOIA fees last year. Whether you’re new to FOIA or a seasoned vet, there’s a pretty high chance that the records you need will come at a price. Best case scenario, your charges are reasonable […]

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Where can you find funding for that local journalism project? Here’s a quick guide

After a series on parental incarceration, Jonathan Bullington and Richard Webster got an email with an idea — apply for a fellowship that supports that kind of reporting. The | Times-Picayune reporters started thinking about what they’d cover. Their idea – what does exposure to violence do to kids? They pitched it to The Dennis A. Hunt […]

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Judge’s ruling keeps Texas open meetings lawsuit alive

Judge Bobby Bell denied on Wednesday the Calhoun Port Authority’s latest motion to dismiss a Texas Open Meetings Act case filed by the Victoria Advocate. The newspaper claims the port should have written on the agenda for its May 9 meeting that it was going into closed session to discuss hiring former U.S. Congressman Blake […]

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Newly Formed Partnership Will Better Train Cities to Use Data, Evidence

One of the largest advocacy groups for municipal governments in the nation has committed to helping its members enhance their use of data and evidence to solve local problems.  The National League of Cities (NLC) in partnership with Results for America (RFA), a lead partner within Bloomberg Philanthropies’ What Works Cities, will cultivate several opportunities […]

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Group wants transparency in Missouri government. And it’s taking dark money donations

A good-government group pushing for a major overhaul of state ethics rules has received more than $325,000 in contributions from two dark money organizations. A Post-Dispatch review of campaign finance records shows Clean Missouri, which is backing the Amendment 1 referendum on the November ballot, took in $312,000 from the Action Now Initiative and $13,287 […]

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