Media outlets push FISC for info on secret government surveillance

From Courthouse News Service: WASHINGTON (CN) – The once-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has mishandled demands to reveal the government's attempted justifications of its program of collecting the call and email data of Americans, a media coalition said.

Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press filed the amicus brief with the FISC, just before Thanksgiving last week, alongside Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Courthouse News Service and 21 other media organizations.


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California Supreme Court rejects Voice of OC and Californians Aware public records case

From Voice of OC: The state Supreme Court has rejected a request by Voice of OC and open-government advocates Californians Aware to review a gag order Orange County government leaders imposed on themselves so they wouldn’t have to release information regarding allegations of sex abuse by a top county official.


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Charles Hill: Bills would help keep Michigan government honest

From Detroit Free Press: Most government officials and politicians will agree in public that the work of government should be transparent so that citizens can judge whether money is being spent wisely and decisions are being made properly.

But the reality is that getting your hands on specific government information isn’t always easy, even when the law says it should be available.


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NEFAC Open Government News for Novermber

From New England First Amendment Coalition: The New England Fist Amendment Coalition published its NEFAC Report for November 2013. In this issue: The Diminishing Public View, Barge? What Barge!? Oh, That Barge! Indiegogo Campaign Underway to Fund New England Fist Amendment Institute, and more.

The Diminishing Public View

By Rosanna Cavanagh


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Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition released latest newsletter

From Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition: The Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition released its latest newsletter. In this issue: When public information is not public, Littleton voters restrict City Council’s use of closed-door meetings, Journalist sues Archuleta County commissioner over secret meeting and loses, but would “gladly do the same thing again,” Judge rejects secrecy motion in Aurora movie theater shooting case, What is a “reasonable” CORA fee? […]

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Booz Allen Hamilton and the “trade secrets” FOIA exemption

From MuckRock: MuckRock is in the middle a massive project looking into Edward Snowden’s former employer, mega-contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. After reviewing some redactions from responsive contracts received from the FCC, MuckRock’s Michael Morisy was curious about the consultation process on exemption 4 (trade secrets) redactions. So he filed another FOIA for processing notes and emails.


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Policy changes on fee waivers

From NFOIC: COLUMBIA, Mo — If President Obama and leaders in Congress are serious about strengthening the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), they would do well to strip away some of the discretion agencies have to determine which requesters seek information “in the public interest “ and are “likely to contribute significantly to public understanding.”


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