2013 NFOIC/MLRC Open Government Survey Showed Troubling Trends for Transparency

Press release from MLRC and NFOIC:

By Amaris Elliott-Engel, MLRC Legal Fellow

NFOIC’s third biennial joint study with the New York-based Media Law Resource Center (MLRC) showed a continuation of trends that are troubling to open government advocates.


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Littleton voters restrict City Council’s use of closed-door meetings

From Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition:

By Jeffrey A. Roberts, CFOIC Executive Director

Buried in Tuesday’s Colorado election results was a measure approved by Littleton residents that severely restricts the City Council’s ability to discuss public business in private.


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Deborah Fisher: Should execution drugs be a state secret?

From Tennessee Coalition for Open Government: Does the public have a right to know about the drugs used to execute death row inmates?

This question has been raised in recent months in court in at least three states, two of which recently enacted new laws or protocols to keep secret from citizens the source of execution drugs.

In 2011, at least six states, including Tennessee, had their execution drugs seized or taken by the DEA after it became clear that the drugs had been imported illegally.


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Best practices for agency Freedom of Information Act regulations

From Center for Effective Government: Of the 100 agencies in the federal government subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), dozens of agencies have not yet updated their FOIA regulations to reflect requirements in the OPEN Government Act of 2007. The OPEN Government Act required federal agencies to better assist people who make requests for public information under FOIA – for instance, by providing individualized tracking numbers in order to check the status of a request. […]

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South Bay commissioner fined $250 for violating Sunshine Law

From The Palm Beach Post: WEST PALM BEACH — While lauding her educational accomplishments and her community service, a judge Monday rejected South Bay Commissioner Shirley Walker-Turner’s plea to set aside her conviction and fined her $250 for violating the state’s Sunshine Law.



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Jersey Journal had to fight for Parking Authority records showing who got breaks

From NJ.com: After receiving about 10 boot void sheets from a source, The Jersey Journal filed an Open Public Records Act request on Oct. 24 seeking all sheets the JCPA has on record for the last three years.

On Nov. 6, JCPA attorney Aurelio Vincitore denied the newspaper’s request, saying that releasing the sheets would “substantially interfere with the state or federal government’s ability to protect and defend its citizens against acts of sabotage or terrorism if disclosed.”


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Oklahoma Supreme Court takes jurisdiction in OPUBCO case seeking sealed Shadid divorce records

From The Republic: OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma Supreme Court has agreed to take jurisdiction of a case by the parent company of The Oklahoman that seeks sealed divorce records of Oklahoma City mayoral candidate Edward Shadid II.

The court said in a Monday order that the Oklahoma Publishing Company has the right to pursue records that a lower court sealed and that it is likely a similar case could arise again.

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Sturbridge selectmen found in violation of Open Meeting Law

From Telegram: STURBRIDGE — Selectmen in April violated the state’s Open Meeting Law when they met in an executive session and eliminated a position in the Fire Department.

Hanne Rush, assistant attorney general in the Division of Open Government in the office of Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley, ruled that the board’s decision to discuss and then vote to eliminate an assistant to the fire chief position was illegal.

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Obama Administration’s Open Government Projects, round 2

From Information Week: The Obama Administration released a second round of open government initiatives, introducing nearly two dozen plans to stimulate or improve the government’s interaction with citizens — from streamlining Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to “participatory budgeting” mechanisms allowing citizens to guide public spending projects in their communities.


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