Privacy and access laws across Canada

British Columbia

British Columbia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act came into effect on Oct. 4, 1993. A year later, the legislation was expanded to include municipalities, schools, hospitals and municipal police forces.


Alberta's FOIP Act was given royal assent in 1994 and came into force during five phases. The fifth phase, which happened on Oct. 1, 1999, brought local government bodies including police services under the authority of FOIP.



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Chris Horner, FOIA watchdog, demands transparency from government’s global warming advocates

Chris Horner is deeply serious about his role as a climate-truth watchdog, but his sense of humor about his detractors is deliciously dark.

Take the story that broke just after New Year's of a Russian ship stranded in Antarctic ice, an incident seized by proponents as a certain sign that global warming was for real as polar sea ice continues to morph and melt.


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Note to the Arkansas task force on FOIA: Just follow the law

A task force has been appointed by the chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and members of the Arkansas news media have been invited to meet with the group Friday.

I wasn’t one of the 207 people who got an invitation to the meeting, which isn’t surprising since I’m just a retired editor who continues to write a column. I had a conflict anyway.


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Transparency in N.J. Government: Legislation Aimed at Giving Taxpayers a Website to Track State Finances “Transparency in Government Act,” sponsored by Assembly Republican Alison Littell McHose, cleared the Budget Committee on Monday.


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Bill moves to study FOIA exemptions

Want to know what your government is really up to?

The Virginia Freedom of Information Act allows citizens of the commonwealth (and representatives of the media) to gain access to numerous records held by state and local agencies, government officials and other public authorities, along with providing the right to attend public meetings.

The presumption of the FOIA is that all records and all meetings are to be open to the public — unless there is a special exemption specifying secrecy.

Sounds good, right?


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AP chief urges governments to support free press

The Associated Press' executive editor called on governments around the world to support an independent press, warning Monday that efforts to silence the media through intimidation and violence are "in effect an attack on a nation's people."

Kathleen Carroll said the media can be a proxy for questions and concerns by citizens and the role of independent journalists is to ask questions on behalf of the people and bear witness.


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Coders Interpret Burlington’s Open Data

The city of Burlington took a huge step toward more open government last week when officials released a wide variety of data on the city’s website.

Now, coders are interpreting that data and trying to create useful tools for the public.

This weekend about 30 people gathered at Fletcher Free Library in Burlington for Code Across BTV. It was one of 45 other CodeAcross events taking place around the world.

The idea was to take data that might not be all that interesting or accessible, and make it easier to understand and use.


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